Business Region Aarhus works for the interests of businesses in East Jutland regarding framework conditions and competitiveness, ensuring that the East Jutland metropolis maintains a strong and visible profile, both nationally and internationally.
By attracting international companies and talent, we strengthen Business Region Aarhus’ and Denmark’s competitiveness. We are committed to growth and development, our work to achieve this goal anchored in partnerships between our members, businesses and public institutions. Business Region Aarhus speaks with one, powerful voice that provides us with a stronger platform in a competitive, global world. Business Region Aarhus has three strategic priorities, which are essential to the framework for further growth; i) green transition, ii) acquisition of skilled workforce, and iii) infrastructure and mobility.
i) Green transition
The green transition is necessary to address the global climate challenges. Additionally, the international energy and food crises increase the need to accelerate the green transition. Business Region Aarhus possesses strong competencies and companies to take international leadership in the green transition. Therefore, Business Region Aarhus works to ensure conditions for companies that enable international leadership in the green transition and strengthen international connectivity. An important priority becomes electrification of society with green energy.
ii) Acquisition of skilled workforce
The recruitment of qualified labor is a crucial challenge for the growth prospects of companies in the East Jutland region. Business Region Aarhus aims to ensure easy access to qualified labor for companies through close collaboration between municipalities, educational and research centers, and businesses. Business Region Aarhus has a particular focus on attracting and retaining qualified international labor and strengthening the range of educational opportunities in East Jutland.
iii) Infrastructure and mobility
A well-functioning infrastructure is a prerequisite for realizing the growth potential in the functional East Jutland region. Strengthening the infrastructure both within the urban region and to the surrounding areas increases labor mobility and enhances the competitiveness of businesses. Therefore, the development of a cohesive infrastructure and mobility is also a prioritized focus area in the strategy of Business Region Aarhus.
Each of the three prioritized focus areas in the strategy requires persistent and targeted political advocacy to attract the investments and political attention necessary for business growth throughout East Jutland. A strong unified East Jutland business community benefits all East Jutland municipalities and enhances Denmark's competitiveness. East Jutland contributes with sustainable solutions to global challenges for the entire world