Business Region Aarhus is headed by a political board consisting of the 12 mayors in the partnership. Externally, the partnership is represented by a political executive board consisting of three mayors.

Administrative management
Similarly, we have established an administrative board comprising the 12 municipal CEOs, three of whom constitute the executive board.
Business Region Aarhus' secretariat
The day-to-day work is handled by Business Region Aarhus’ secretariat, which consists of a small, flexible staff supplemented as necessary with employees and managers from the member municipalities, depending on project content and scope.
Also, a coordination group has been set up with representatives of the 12 municipalities who, in collaboration with the secretariat, ensure knowledge sharing, project implementation, and the ongoing realisation of decisions made by the political and administrative boards. A further aim of the coordination group is to support cooperation with businesses and other players in Business Region Aarhus.
Business Region Aarhus’ business promotion group
Business Region Aarhus’ business promotion group consists of the trade promotion officers from the 12 municipalities who offer guidance and advice to businesses on a daily basis in the respective local authorities.